Nov 9, 2009

Photoshop Collage

Here is a Photoshop project done with three layers- one was the background, another the cat, and last, the mouse.

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Catherine said...

cool pic!! ^^
heyy its a kitty! LOL xDD

Princess Akanksha :D said...

Love it! The mice and cat look so cute! Umm...I would say that the mice looks photoshoped. It seems that the cat is in the picture(as in not photoshoped). Overall, a good idea.

mw said...

The picture overall looks real but I personally think there's something up with the mouse. Are you sure all those pictures are usable though?

Tian said...

The mouse and cat looks cute! ^ ^ The cat looks realistic, it looks like one picture with the table. I think you have to blurry the mouse so it can fad into the picture.