Jan 31, 2010

Xtranormal Video Assignment

This is a video made by me from Xtranormal. It's about Suzie and her grandma who has ADD. Any notable parts would probably be her random ramblings and the irony implanted in her statements. Enjoy!


mw said...

This movie was really good and it was nice how you gave grandma some "problems" in which it was funny how she continued to ramble on about where they were going. I liked how you set the camera on the Suzie while grandma was on the phone.

Princess Akanksha :D said...

I love your video. It is really funny. We watched this during class too.:) The problem you gave to the grandma is pretty interesting. It was funny when she got carried away while telling her grand-daughter about where they are going. How did you think about this disease(ADD)? Did you already know about it or did you google it? It would have been nice if you had given the full name of 'ADD'. Overall, FUNNY! :D

Jennnie said...

ADD's from Mr. S. :) He used to tell us all the time about how his daughter said he had ADD. (ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder).

Tian said...

It’s so funny! We watched your movie during class, and everyone was laughing so hard. I like your movie the best. The idea of ADD is really interesting, :D And the characters you picked is really cute~